Regular maintenance of wiring on the whole territory of the Czech and Slovak Republic
The InService company ensures service and regular maintenance of wiring 24 hours a day and 365 days a year on the whole territory of the Czech and Slovak Republic. Professional electricians of our company are ready to solve your pressing demands in the shortest term possible. The average time of our engineer arrival anywhere within the whole Czech and Slovak Republic is in the range of 1hour -3 hours!!!

Services offered as a standard:
- Detecting and removal of defects in the wiring distribution systems
- Regular maintenance
- New appliances connection (boilers, direct electrical heaters, dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.)
- Replacement or repairs of house or apartment circuit breakers
- Light sources replacement
- Electrical appliances inspections
- Wiring inspections
- Delivery and assembly of complete new electrical distribution systems (heavy current, weak current)
- Any repairs of the existing electrical wiring systems
- Representation at negotiations with PRE, etc.
We offer reliable dealing and real professionalism to you, to your firm or to your institution.